Framework and Terms of Use

The information mentioned below regulates your use of the website , which is the official website of HIDROSTYLE SRL, developed with the aim of constituting a general source of information, access to purchase and presentation of our services and products.

By accessing this site, the materials and information presented within it, you confirm that you have read, understood, accepted and agreed to the following terms and conditions

For a better clarity of the words used on the site and on this page, please take into account the following definitions and information:
• "Site" still means the website"
• Service" means any service offered on the Site, and/or any module or component thereof;
• "User" still means any person who visits or accesses the Site, who creates an account on the Site


• to place an online order in order to purchase a product or service from the website, we recommend you to register. It is important that these data are correct so that there are no future problems with delivery by courier or issuing the invoice. By registering and using the created account, the User fully and unconditionally accepts the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and agrees to use and/or purchase the club's services in strict accordance with them. Orders can only be placed if you are at least 18 years old,
• choose any desired service or product, after browsing the site, by accessing the Add to cart button. For services that include aquatic education packages, treat with importance the information regarding the validity period and the grace period of the chosen package, as well as the medical tests requested by the club upon registration.
• once this button is accessed, the chosen product or service will be found in the COS (respectively at the top right of the page)
• the value of the transport will be displayed at the value of the basket, in the case of products that need to reach you physically
• if you want to change the contents of the basket, press the COS button and from the opened page you can change the quantity of each product and/or service or you can delete it.
• if you have any observations to bring to your order (questions, suggestions, etc.), please mention them in the Observations field.
• if you want to complete the order, press the Complete order/Pay button.
• if you choose to pay the order online, by card (our payment processor is...), you will receive an email with the data for validating and taking possession of your order. In the case of bank transfer, you will initially receive a PROFORMA INVOICE, and the data of validation will be sent after payment confirmation. We do not accept payment in the cash-on-delivery system!
• the delivery of products and/or gift vouchers will be made to the courier company chosen by the club within 48 hours maximum, after payment confirmation (by bank transfer or online).

2. Site Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights

The entire content of the site is protected by the Copyright Act, all rights reserved.

This website is owned and maintained by HidroStyle. Unless otherwise stated, all intellectual property rights (including copyright and database rights) regarding trademarks, service marks, logos and all other materials presented on this site belong to HIDROSTYLE SRL.

HIDROSTYLE SRL reserves all rights regarding the above and will exercise these rights as needed within the limits permitted by law. Nothing contained on this site constitutes a license or right to use any image, trademark, service mark, logo or other material presented on the site by any person. It is forbidden to reproduce, distribute or publish materials from the website by any person without the prior written consent of HIDROSTYLE SRL.

Downloading or copying by other means the material on the site does not transfer to the person concerned the rights to the materials on the site. Any data transmitted to this site becomes the property of HidroStyle, can be used by HidroStyle for any purpose if it falls within the limits of the law and can be disclosed at its discretion, including to any type of authorities. You are responsible for complying with all laws and regulations that apply to you.

3. HIDROSTYLE statement regarding personal data

We undertake to respect your personal data and to comply with the applicable legal provisions regarding their protection.

4. What is personal data?

Personal data are information related to a natural person such as name and surname, address, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail, identity data, number and age of children, parental status, etc. As a rule, we receive this data from you when you fill in a form, online or on paper, sign a contract, send us a message, in e-mail or talk on the phone.
When you access our website, our servers automatically create records of your visit. These records usually include IP addresses, the number of accesses, the Internet page from which you connected and other data. For more information, please consult the document on cookies: Cookies Policy

5. For what purpose do we process the data?

HIDROSTYLE SRL processes personal data for the provision of offers for educational products and services (for example: for making an appointment, recommending certain services specific to certain age categories), concluding and executing contracts, for internal analyzes aimed at improving and developing products and services, to identify and prevent fraud, marketing, by sending general or personalized offers of HIDROSTYLE SRL or its partners, statistics, market research, fulfilling legal obligations, etc.

6. The conditions under which your data is processed?

HIDROSTYLE SRL processes data only with your consent, when it has a legal obligation or can justify a higher legitimate interest.

We take the security of your data very seriously, adopting and regularly reviewing security, technical and organizational measures designed to protect data against unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction.

Access to the data is allowed only to persons authorized by HIDROSTYLE SRL who have previously assumed confidentiality obligations.
The processing of your personal data will be carried out for the entire period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected.

What are your rights?
• You have the right to be informed about your personal data that HIDROSTYLE SRL holds
• You have the right to request the deletion or updating of incomplete, incorrect or out-of-date data
• You have the right, for well-founded and legitimate reasons, to oppose certain data processing, except in cases where there are legal provisions to the contrary or we will not be able to provide you with the requested services in the absence of said data
• You have the right to request the termination of the processing of your data for direct marketing purposes or for the creation of personalized offers
To exercise any of these rights, you only need to send a request to the administrative headquarters of HIDROSTYLE SRL in Str. Mihai Eminescu, No. 18, Tunari, Ilfov (077180) or by E-mail:

At the same time, you have the right to address the National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data for the defense of any rights guaranteed by the legislation on the protection of personal data that have been violated.

7. Limitation of liability

Under no circumstances, HIDROSTYLE SRL is not responsible for any damage (direct or indirect) caused to you or any other party, related to the use of this site and the information it contains - by you or another person.

HIDROSTYLE SRL reserves the right to be indemnified or discharged, together with its employees, from any liability or legal fee, damage, loss, cost and any other expense in relation to claims or actions brought against the club, arising from any violation by of the Terms and Conditions or other responsibilities arising from the use of this site.

Even though we have taken all measures to ensure that the information presented on this site is accurate and correct, HIDROSTYLE SRL cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies that may appear on this site. Users are responsible for evaluating the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information available on this site.

8. Legal aspects

Any complaints or disputes arising from or related to the use of this site, its content or the materials present will be governed by the Romanian legislation in force.

The terms and conditions of use of this website may be changed at any time without prior notice. You agree to re-read this section of the site regularly, and your continued access to or use of this site will constitute evidence that you have agreed to such changes.

HIDROSTYLE SRL undertakes to treat the personal details obtained in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force.

9. Link to other sites

The site may contain web links or references to other sites considered by HIDROSTYLE SRL to be useful in terms of the content of its site and which are not necessarily under our control or guidance.

In case of use of these web links or referrals, the general conditions of use corresponding to those sites will apply.

In these cases, HIDROSTYLE SRL cannot guarantee/control the actuality/accuracy of the information present on the websites of third parties, to which reference is made from its website.

10. Technical limitations of services

The administrator does not assume any responsibility if the website services cannot be accessed by the Users, for an unlimited period of time, for any technical or commercial reasons.

11. Updates to Terms and Conditions

We may need to revise this page in the future, in which case we will signal the updated version by changing the "Last Updated" date at the top of the Terms and Conditions. After the date on which the updated version enters into force (within a maximum of 48 hours of publication), accessing our website will represent your acceptance of the respective updated Terms and Conditions.

The present version of this page was written in English and in Romanian and in case of inconsistencies between the two versions, the Romanian version will prevail.

12. Contact

If you have questions, complaints or need additional information about these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at: HIDROSTYLE SRL from Str. Mihai Eminescu, No. 18, Tunari, Ilfov (077180) or by E-mail:

We will do our best to respond to your request as soon as possible.


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